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"I invite you to open yourselves to me, and become an...

...instrument in my hands for the salvation of the world.

CpcAlive is a programming environment Amstrad CPC compatible for graphics animations creation.

Last review:
V1.19b- 19/02/2025 - corrections
V1.19a- 09/02/2025 - corrections and C++ programming implementation
V1.18 - 27/01/2025 - create GIF animations 320*200*256 colors+corrections
V1.17 - 07/01/2024 - New screen mode 1024*768*256colors(MODE 3)
V1.16 - 16/12/2014 - Z80 assembler correction
                             - adding "." before
V1.15 - 30/11/2014 - corrections
V1.14 - 20/11/2014 - Display ASM sources in Z80 debugger
                             - Adds IF, IFDEF, IFNDEF directives in Z80 assembler
                             - corrections
V1.13 - 20/9/2014 - BASIC command TRON improvement (BASIC debugger) and corrections
V1.12 - 02/3/2014 - basic with labels management and corrections

Presentation of the emulator CpcAlive

CpcAlive is a programming environment Amstrad CPC compatible for graphics animations creation. The originality of the emulator is that it can work with all media wich accept the Dos emulator "Dosbox".


* basic with labels management
graphics screen modes 160*200*16, 320*200*256,640*200*16 and 1024*768*256(MODE 3)
* X86 programming environment (16Mo)
* outputs screens in BMP images and GIF animations
* programmable BASIC instructions
* possibility to treat from the Cpc BASIC interpreter any file present on the hard drive or another support.
* create executable environment safeguards
* include a Z80 assembler/debugger and a BASIC debugger
management of files created with the C compiler PhrozenC

This software is planned to use standard softwares developped for the Cpc or specifics softwares developped for the emulator. Joysticks and overscan are not emulated.

CpcAlive installer for Windows: CpcAliveV1.19b Setup.exe

CpcAlive for DosBox:

Full keyboard for use on Android

CpcAlive Documentation

Cpc documentation
 (291K) : C compiler for Cpc

Medjugorje - March 25, 1994 "Dear children! Today I rejoice with you and I invite you to open yourselves to me, and become an instrument in my hands for the salvation of the world. I desire, little children, that all of you who have felt the odor of holiness through these messages which I am giving you to carry, to carry it into this world, hungry for God and God's love. I thank you all for having responded in such a number and I bless you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Medjugorje - February 25, 2005
“Dear children! Today I call you to be my extended hands in this world that puts God in the last place. You, little children, put God in the first place in your life. God will bless you and give you strength to bear witness to Him, the God of love and peace. I am with you and intercede for all of you. Little children, do not forget that I love you with a tender love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one."

"Because nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light."  Mark 4-22

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. (Luke 11,23)
